Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oscars 2013: Follow the nominations live on Twitter

Oscar nominations

Seth MacFarlane will help announce the Oscar nominations today and host the show on Feb. 24. (Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times / June 13, 2012)

January 10, 2013, 4:00 a.m.

After months of conjecture and campaigning, the Academy Award nominations are set to take place? this morning at the academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills.

"Lincoln," "Argo," "Zero Dark Thirty,"? "Les Miserables,"? "Silver Linings Playbook" and "Life of Pi" have been the awards season darlings, but the academy could spice things up with nods for "Django Unchained," "Skyfall" and "Beasts of the Southern Wild." See our full list of predictions here.

Whatever the Oscar voters choose, the nominations mark the start of the final leg of the awards season race. The winners will be announced during the 85th Academy Awards telecast, to be broadcast from Hollywood's Dolby Theatre on Feb. 24.


The academy will start the nominations about 5:38 a.m. Pacific time today. Oscar host Seth MacFarlane will be announcing this year's nominees with "Gangster Squad's" Emma Stone. While the academy has suggested that you follow MacFarlane and his dad on Twitter during the telecast, allow us to throw our film writers into the mix.

You can follow the Oscar nominations live with tweets from Los Angeles Times staffers below.


TIMELINE: Oscar history

OSCARS 2012: Best & Worst

BUZZMETER: Our pundits' picks

VIDEO: Contenders discuss their films

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this.from(b(),a)},calendar:function(){var a=this.diff(b().sod(),"days",!0),c=this.lang().calendar,d=c.sameElse,e=a 1 && this.debug) console.debug("WARNING You have more than one sheet but are using simple sheet mode! 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